黃輔華在物流和供應鏈方面擁有豐富的經歷,在加入國際物流供應鏈聯盟之前,他已在物流、供應鏈及採購相關行業工作了40年。黃先生擁有澳大利亞皇家墨爾本理工學院的運輸與物流管理商學士學位, 他亦是香港物流協會的創始人之一,並於2005年至2008年間擔任該協會會長達4年。黃先生目前亦為香港中華工商聯會副主席及香港跨境電子商貿協會榮譽會長。在過去的20年裡,黃先生是一名活躍的社會服務志願者,他曾擔任香港特區政府的香港物流發展局成員和專案組成員6年,同時,他還曾擔任兩任「香港貿易發展局」物流服務諮詢委員會委員長達8年。 在中國國內社會志願服務方面,黃輔華自2007年起已被廣州市國際投資委員會提名為「國際投資顧問」。在2005年至2008年,黃先生亦曾擔任“中國物流與採購聯合會”副會長,並積极參與為國家提供宏觀物流發展諮詢服務。黃輔華還曾擔任北京師範大學物流學院珠海校區的兼職教授。黃先生與亞洲物流協會領導人保持著廣泛的個人網絡,因為他在過去20年一直是香港物流協會的代表,參加與亞太物流聯合會的會議。

Personal Profile of Anthony Wong

Anthony has a strong background in logistics and supply chain and prior to joining ISCA, he had been working in logistics related industry for the past 40 years。Anthony holds a degree of bachelor of business in Transport & Logistics Management from Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology – Australia。 Anthony is one of the founders of Hong Kong Logistics Association (HKLA) and has served as the President of the association for 4 years from 2005 to 2008. Anthony currently is also the Associate Chairman of Hong Kong Chinese Industry & Commerce Association and also the Honorable Chairman of Hong Kong Cross Border E-commerce Association. For the past 2 decades, Anthony is an active volunteer on social services, he has served the Hong Kong Logistics Development Council of Hong Kong SAR Government as Council Members and Project Group Members for 6 years,simultaneously Anthony has also served as the Committee Member for the Logistics Services Advisory Board of “Hong Kong Trade Development Council” for 8 years.  On voluntary social services in Mainland China, Anthony has been nominated by Guangzhou Municipal Board For International Investment” as “International Investment Advisor since 2007。From 2005 to 2008, Anthony had been the Vice President of the “Chinese Federation of Logistics & Procurement -CFLP” and had been participated actively on macro logistics development advisory services for Mainland China。 Anthony also had been the Adjunct Professor for the Logistics Institute of Beijing Normal University, Zhuhai Campus. Anthony also maintains strong and extensive networks with Asia logistics leaders since he had been the representative for HKLA to attend meeting with Presidents of Asia Pacific Logistics Federation during the last 2 decades.


Associate Chairman of Hong Kong Chinese Industry & Commerce Association

Honorable Chairman of Hong Kong Cross Border E-commerce Association

Working Committee Member, Hong Kong Wine & Spirits Fair, Hong Kong Trade Development Council

Technical Committee Member for the WSMS Certification Scheme, Hong Kong Quality Assurance Association

International Investment Advisor, Guangzhou Municipal Board For International Investment

Past President, Hong Kong Logistics Association