陳恩光 (港口諮詢及物流專)

陳恩光 (William)先生是一位精力充沛、注重結果的業務主管,在海事物流領域擁有超過 25 年的管理經驗。 William 是 Cherry Solutions 的董事,該公司是一家與韓國航運業管理層合資的合資企業。在加入 Cherry 之前,William 曾在 Navis、Cyber​​logitec、TSB 和招商局擔任多個高管職位。他最近在亞洲的工作包括與“一帶一路”、智能港口、多式聯運鐵路和自由貿易區相關的貿易便利化。


William Chan (Port consultation & Logistics Specialist)

William is a high energy and result-oriented business executive with over 25 years of management experience in Maritime Logistics sectors. William is the Director of Cherry Solutions which is a JV with Korea leading management from maritime industry. Prior joining Cherry, William had held various executive positions in Navis, Cyberlogitec, TSB and China Merchants. His recent engagement in Asia includes Trade Facilitation related to OBOR, Smart Ports, Intermodal Rail and Free Trade Zone.

William has a Master Degree of E-Commerce & Internet Computing from University of HK, and a BSc Degree of Computer Science from University of Kent, U.K.